Who We Are & What We Do

Who We Are
Detroit Impact is a youth center established to work with the youth in our community to teach, mentor, guide, motivate, and encourage them.
We do so through example and the provision of programs and services designed to obtain their interest.
Detroit Impact programs include 2 major strategies of social engagement and crisis management building upon the 4 Cornerstone of program content:
Social Engagement
- Leadership
- Recreation
Social Engagement – provides activities for participants that are relevant to the 40 Developmental Assets of Adolescence (founded by Search Institute) and supports the educational, innovative, recreational, and socially engaging opportunities to interact with youth and adults in positive and intentional ways.
Leadership – is reflected and established throughout our programs by the opportunities for participants to engage in team building, self-exploration, listening skills, and increase the sensitivity of others in their similarities and differences to start the process of leading with compassion and understanding.
Recreation – is reflected and established throughout our programs by providing opportunities for participants to engage in arts and crafts, physical activities, field trips, and a variety of activities that expose participants to various forms of technology.
Crisis Management
- Second Chance Initiatives
- Literacy
Crisis Management – provides activities which are reflective and intervention strategies that assist participants make good life choices, seek alternatives to violence for solving conflict, and understand the interpersonal skills needed to manage and/or navigate their changing home, school and community environments. Many of these services are facilitated through professionals with a background in social work, therapy, anger management, mentoring, tutoring/education, and/or youth development.
Second Chance Initiatives – is reflected and established throughout our program by referring and/or engaging participants in direct and indirect service that may include individual and group counselling, specific activities that impact health and wellness, and other creative and/or physical outlet directed to help participants development and/or enhance coping skills.
Literacy – is reflected and established throughout our program by utilising age appropriate reading and learning materials as well as providing access to computer and financial literacy skills. Tutoring is also a component of Literacy used to intervene with academic enrichment and reinforcing lessons learned in school.
Our Board of Directors
Executive Director: Calvin Colbert
Board Secretary: Stephanie McKire
Board Chairman: Beverly King
Board Treasurer: Carla Watson
LaTonya Bryant
Kenyetta Campbell
Pastor Reggie Huff
Heather Miller-Mann
Gail Perry-Mason
Monique Styles-Perdue
Detroit Impact Staff
Calvin Colbert, Executive Director
Quintel Wyatt, Building Manager
Addie Walton, President of the Parents’ Council
Mary Rambus, Administration
James Bryant II, IT/ Tech Support Consultant
Kwanna Linse, Administrative Assistant
**Individual programs and events are facilitated by our community of parents and volunteers**
Our Community
The adage, “It Takes a Village…” is certainly true when it comes to both raising our children and rebuilding our community. Our community is made up of stakeholders who have invested in both community safety and safe routes to school. Some of those stakeholders include:
- Wayne County Child and Family Services – http://www.co.wayne.mi.us/cfs.htm
- Detroit Public School Police Department (DPS) – http://detroitk12.org/admin/dpspd/
- Detroit Police Department (DPS) – http://www.detroitmi.gov/DepartmentsandAgencies/PoliceDepartment.aspx
- Prevention Network – http://www.preventionnetwork.org/
- Crime Stoppers – http://1800speakup.org/
- Westside CP Patrol

Detroit Impact operates with support from donations, contributions, and grants. Become a Detroit Impact Partner by providing funding for our program initiatives:
- Money Matters for Youth
- ChangeMakers Development
- Academic Support/Detroit Schools
- Youth Support/Wayne County
- Brothers On Patrol
Our Partners

Detroit Impact is a 501(c) (3) non-profit charitable organization operating as a part of a vision of community development, focusing on Detroit’s West side neighborhoods.